Getting A Tummy Tuck? 3 Things To Know

If you are unhappy with your abdomen due to excess skin and fat, an abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is a procedure that you may want to keep in mind. A tummy tuck procedure surgically removes skin and fat and also tightens the abdominal muscles to create a smoother and lean appearance. It's a popular cosmetic procedure to have after significant weight loss and after having children. If you are thinking about tummy tuck surgery, here are three things that you need to know. [Read More]

Tips For How To Handle Your Recovery From A Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you have a breast augmentation surgery coming up in the near future, you will want to make sure that you are preparing for the recovery time the best you can. This way, once you are out of the hospital and sent home, you will know what to do and what to expect over the following days and weeks. To help make sure that you are nicely prepared, you will want to spend a little time checking out the following advice. [Read More]

Four Vaginal Rejuvenation Myths You Might Assume Are True

Both sexes will experience bodily changes or issues that can impact their enjoyment from sexual intercourse. Luckily, modern medical procedures are able to address a number of these conditions. When patients are too embarrassed to discuss these treatment options with their doctor, they can fall victim to believing a handful of myths. Myth: Only Women That Have Had Children Can Benefit From Vaginal Rejuvenation One of the most prevalent notions about vaginal rejuvenation procedures is that they are only suitable for women that have been through childbirth. [Read More]

Here's What To Expect From Your Dermatologist When You Have A Shingles Outbreak

Nobody wants to have the shingles, but it's an unfortunate truth that once you develop it, you're likely to get outbreaks from time to time. If you've been seen by a general practitioner for your shingles in the past or are at risk for getting shingles, chances are you'll be sent to a dermatologist for care for it. Here's what you can expect from the experience. Examination The first thing that your dermatologist will do is thoroughly examine the outbreak. [Read More]