3 Important Things To Know About Dermal Fillers

Your outward appearance can have a significant impact on your self-esteem. More and more consumers are choosing to take action to improve their appearance by investing in dermal fillers, like Restylane filler.

These fillers are designed to act like the body's own naturally produced hyaluronic acid to help combat many of the signs of aging.

Dermal fillers can diminish fine lines and wrinkles and help restore volume and fullness to the skin.

If you are thinking about investing in a dermal filler to enhance your own appearance, there are some facts that you should know before scheduling your procedure.

1. Dermal Fillers Are Versatile

Many people think of dermal fillers as a product that is used to fill in wrinkles, but these fillers have so much more to offer.

The FDA has approved the use of certain dermal fillers for a wide range of cosmetic procedures. You can use a dermal filler to add fullness to your lips. A dermal filler can also be used to restore fullness to the back of the hand in mature patients.

Since a loss of fullness in the skin is a common sign of aging, the ability to use a dermal filler to correct this loss on different parts of the body can be beneficial.

The approved use for a dermal filler depends on the specific formulation of that filler. You will need to work with a reputable cosmetic surgeon to determine which dermal filler will best meet your needs.

2. Dermal Fillers Have Few Side Effects

One of the reasons that consumers have started to pay attention to dermal fillers is the overall safety of these products. A dermal filler injected by an experienced and qualified medical professional should not cause many problems in the days following your treatment.

You can expect some swelling and bruising near the injection sites, but these are typically very mild and disappear within a short period of time. You will be able to return to your normal day-to-day activities quickly, reducing the overall amount of downtime you experience after receiving a dermal filler.

Your doctor may advise against vigorous exercise, alcohol consumption, or massages for a certain period of time. Be sure that you adhere to your doctor's recommendations so that you can maximize the positive effects of a dermal filler over time.

3. You Can Shorten Your Recovery Time

The amount of time it will take to recover fully from a dermal filler injection is a top concern for many consumers. Although the side effects of dermal fillers are few, you may not relish the thought of going out in public with minor bruising and swelling.

Fortunately, there are some simple things that you can do to help shorten your recovery time.

You should avoid taking any over-the-counter medications that contain blood-thinning agents. You will also want to steer clear of caffeine and alcohol in the days leading up to your appointment, since these substances can also thin the blood. The thinner your blood is during an injection, the more likely you are to experience noticeable swelling and bruising.

You can avoid any potential skin irritation at the injection site by avoiding any type of hair removal activities to the area. Any beauty products containing vitamin C, glycolic acid, or retinoids should not be used before your appointment.

Talk to your doctor about your options for shortening recovery time when you go in for your pre-injection consultation. Your doctor will be able to give you specific instructions on limiting certain substances in order to give your body the best chance at coping with a dermal filler injection without any adverse reactions.
