Simple Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Prevent Spider Veins

The veins running throughout your body have the job of taking blood back to the heart. Each vein features a valve that can begin to malfunction. The defective valve causes blood to pool inside the veins, which leads to spider veins. According to WebMD, there are several risk factors associated with spider veins, including heredity, standing for long periods of time, obesity, certain medications, overexposure to sunlight, and pregnancy.

Spider veins aren't dangerous, but they are unsightly. Here are a few things you can do to help prevent the formation of spider veins.


Getting off the couch and exercising not only helps you lose weight and improves your mood, but it can also decrease the likelihood of developing spider veins. Exercise gets your blood pumping more efficiently, which can help your veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. When blood is flowing properly, it is less likely to pool inside your veins as well.

Here are a few exercises that can help you avoid spider veins:

Running, jogging, or walking. All these options are simple ways to get your blood pumping and running efficiently through your veins. Ask your doctor which of these low-impact exercises is best for you.

Weightlifting. Choose machines and exercises that concentrate on your legs. Using less weight and more repetitions can help avoid straining your muscles.

Yoga. Yoga is a great option for individuals of all ages because it is low impact and can help improve flexibility and circulation.

Riding a bicycle or a stationary bicycle is also a great option because these exercises concentrate on the legs, which is the portion of the body that is most prone to developing spider veins. Even getting up and walking around at work or at home for several minutes each hour can help you improve blood circulation.

Change Your Diet

Just like exercise, eating the right diet can help you control your weight, which in turn reduces the pressure on your veins. Certain foods can cause your body to retain water and lead to constipation. Both of these issues can put a strain on your abdomen and veins, which can cause them to collapse and lead to the development of spider veins.

For example, several types of foods can cause water retention, including dairy, carbonated drinks, and foods that are high in starch and sodium. Certain types of vegetables, including kale, cauliflower, and cabbage can also lead to water retention.

Avoid foods that can cause constipation, including foods that are high in fat, dairy, red meat, and eggs. Instead, incorporate foods into your diet that are high in fiber, such as peaches, brown rice, quinoa, walnuts, and ground flaxseed.

Change Your Wardrobe

What you wear on your body and your feet can actually increase your chances of developing spider veins, especially if you are predisposed to this common condition. Avoid clothing that is too tight, particularly in the abdomen. This includes skinny jeans or ill-fitting leggings or tights. Instead, switch to breezy, bagging clothing. The shoes you wear can not only aggravate your feet, but they can also cause unnecessary pressure on the veins running through your legs.

Whenever possible, avoid tight-fitting shoes and heels. Wearing heels changes the way you walk and places an unusual amount of pressure on the legs. Instead, get flats and shoes that are comfortable and fight just right. Compression socks help prevent blood from settling in the feet and ankles, which in turn helps prevent the formation of spider veins.

Spider veins are common and unsightly, but there are several simple lifestyles changes you can make to help you prevent spider veins from forming. To learn about pain-free spider vein treatment, talk to a consultant today.
